Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Constant Evolution

My world seems to be changing and evolving everyday. They are great changes and I am trying new things everyday that seem to make things better. It has been amazing to me that just deciding to be happy every morning and spending time praying a lot during the day has made such a difference. It has only been three days, but they have all three been pretty good. It is very hard to be down and depressed when you are smiling (imagine that). I am so grateful to have a friend that will give me suggestions to make things better and that I am willing to try them. (willingness is the new part) Things are very busy at work and Christmas is always a busy time of the year for us at Hospice, but I do not have to be overwhelmed this year. I can take it one thing at a time and get it all done. Speaking of work it is time to get back to the office, lunch break is over and I am trying to stay off blog land during the day for a while at least. Anything can become an obsession with me so I have to be very careful. Hope you have a wonderful day, I am determined to........


Anonymous said...

This has been a good day for me also Just keep praying and every thing will get beter.You are doing the work the Lord wonts for you to do Mom//

Neva said...


Anonymous said...

I have a tendency to get obsessed with things too. :) I have to make a huge effort to cut back on blogging; otherwise so many other things get neglected, such as quiet time with God. Great job, Stacie! You're a great example to others.

donna said...

thinking of you today and sending hugs your way....


Monalea said...


Thank you dear friend for the ecard.
